Enter the Danger
Difficult conversations feel extremely relationally dangerous and require a great deal of vulnerability and trust from all parties. Most people don't have the skills to enter in to those conversations in a healthy and productive way, so we're going to figure out how to 'Enter the Danger' that these difficult conversations seem to bring and how to do it in a healthy and productive way that will strengthen our relationships, not weaken them.
Enter the Danger
Jon Lockhorst - CSP, CPA, PCC and Owner of Your Best Leadership LLC
This week on the podcast I'm joined by my friend Jon Lockhorst, owner of Your Best Leadership.
Global Leadership Summit: https://globalleadership.org/summit
Coaching for Leaders Podcast: https://coachingforleaders.com/
Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast: https://www.craiggroeschel.com/leadershippodcast
Jon's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonlokhorst/
Jon's Website: https://yourbestleadership.com/